EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed should be considered free and open to the public. Because of numerous entries, items may appear for only one week. Entries appear in chronological order and as there is space. The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m.
FREE MOVIE: Crystal Springs Community Church will be showing the movie “Overcomer” in the fellowship hall 7 p.m. Friday. The movie and popcorn are free, please bring your own drink.
HOMESTEAD BUCKWHEAT/PANCAKE BREAKFAST: will be Saturday at the Homestead Community and Event Center dining hall from 7 a.m. to noon. The all you can eat menu includes sour dough buckwheat cakes, regular pancakes, pork sausage, eggs (fried or scrambled), coffee, milk, or orange juice and syrup (regular or sugar free). Dine in or carry out available. Adults age 60 and over and children 18 and under eat free (dine in only), subsidized by grant funding from the Mountaineer Food Bank. Buckwheat/pancake breakfast dates set for the fall season at the community center are Oct. 22, Nov. 5, and Dec. 3.
MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH: located beside 4-H Camp Pioneer in Beverly, will be holding a one-day Bible school on Saturday. Registration will begin in the fellowship hall from noon-1 p.m., where children will receive a bagged lunch and drink. All kids ages Pre-K – fifth grade are invited to attend. The fun will begin at 1 p.m. and last until 4 p.m. All kids and family attending the special day are invited to attend worship service at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 28, followed by a family picnic.
LIVE ON THE LAWN: Join the Beverly Heritage Center their Live on the Lawn free concert series with That High Country Revival on Saturday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bring your own chair, blanket, tent, etc and favorite food and refreshments and join us for some live music in the yard of the 1841 Jail building on Walnut Ave. That High Country Revival is Chris Lovejoy and Stan Bumgardner.
WOOFSTOCK DRIVE-THRU CHICKEN BBQ: will be Saturday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. while supplies last. The menu includes the famous chicken, beans, rolls from Great Harvest Bread Company, a Vintage cookie and water. Plus, there will be a brand new shirt design making its debut and a 50/50 drawing. The event will be at the parking lot across from Davis Electric on Randolph Avenue. After lunch, you can head over to the shelter and adopt your new best friend for free. Adoptions are free with approved application from Friday, Aug. 26, through Sunday, Aug. 28, during business hours. Advance tickets are available at the shelter by noon on Thursday, Aug 18. Pre-paid dinners must be picked up by 12:30 p.m. the day of the event or they will be re-sold.
HOMECOMING: The Harrison Community church in Mabie will be holding their 65th homecoming celebration on Sunday. Sunday school will begin at 10 a.m., followed by a potluck dinner in the pavilion at 12:30 p.m., and an afternoon worship service beginning around 1:30 p.m. Carolyn Connors will be the special singer and Jerry Murrell will be bringing the message. Pastor Sean Barnett and his congregation invites everyone to come and worship together.
LABOR DAY EVENT: The Limestone Church Cemetery Association on Limestone Mountain (above Saint George), will host a church and cemetery day on Saturday, Sept. 3. A clean up will begin at 10 a.m. for those able to come and help. All are invited, beginning at noon, for preaching, music, memories, and meeting, with a picnic lunch following at 1 p.m. BBQ, drinks, cutlery will be provided; please bring a covered dish to share. For more information, call 304-614-9190 or 304-478-3519.
HOLY RIVER HUSTLE 5K RUN/WALK: will be Sept. 4 at 9 a.m. at Holly River State Park. Registration fees benefit the non-profit Holly River Foundation. Awards based on finish; and random prizes, including a two-night park cabin stay. Contact Tom at 304-924-6553 or wvabooks@aol.com for more information.
SCARECROW FESTIVAL: Materials to create scarecrows and leaves to decorate downtown areas will be distributed from the former Henry G’s location on Wednesday, Sept. 7, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Participants may choose one or both items if they can guarantee completion. Scarecrow and leaves are to be returned by Wednesday, Sept. 21, to the same location and placed in public viewing areas between Oct. 10-14. They will be removed on Nov. 5 and anyone wishing to reclaim their scarecrow must remove it from the street by10 a.m. that morning. Leaves become the property of Our Town and will be sold on Nov. 5 beginning at noon for a donation of $10-$20 depending on leaf size. For more information, contact 304-636-0415.
RING A BELL FOR ROSIE: The second Ring the Bell for Rosie event hosted by Our Town, Inc. will be Sept. 10 at the Atrium at the Seneca Mall at noon. All the public is invited. A light box lunch will be served with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fruit and dessert or bring your own. Music, dancing , professional story telling and a recognition ceremony will occur. If any female in your family worked on construction or were given pay for other essential jobs during WWII, they may be eligible for recognition. You may dress in Rosie attire. Please call 304-636-0415 for reservations, dietary restrictions or to inquire about a possible Rosie in your family. Reservations must be made by Aug. 27.
CONCEALED CARRY/BASIC PISTOL COURSE: will be Saturday, Sept.10, at the Coalton VFW, 3436 Coalton-Pumpkintown Road, Coalton. Day of event registration will be permitted, if class is not full, beginning at 9a.m. and going until the class starting time at 10 a.m. For more info or to register, visit EventBrite or contact Peggy Young Ross at 304-636-7764 or 304-406-2111, JD Blackburn at 304-940-2422, wvdtgc@yahoo.com or visit WV Double Tap Gun Club on Facebook.
ELKINS PURPLE MAJESTY RED HAT GROUP: will meet on Monday, Sept. 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Fat Olives Restaurant, located at 210 Pennsylvania Avenue in Parsons. New queens will be crowned for the coming year. Ladies the age of 50 or more are invited to attend. Do not forget to wear your purple attire and a red hat. RSVP by Sept. 7 at 304-478-4710 or 304-614-3079.
GOSPEL SINGS: at Christ’s Church in Horner with Brian Free and Assurance on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. and on Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. Pastors Rick and Brenda Wyatt 304-613-9207. Free attendance. Love Offering will be received. Everyone welcome.
FOREST FESTIVAL GRAND FEATURE PARADE SEATS: are available at Otterbein United Methodist Church at 1100 South Davis Avenue in Elkins. The seats go on sale Tuesday, Sept. 6. Call the OtterBing Church office at 304-636-0569 Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to reserve seats. Proceeds support missions that benefit women and children.
VENDOR SPOTS: Vendor areas will be available for the Live and Drive 2022 Summer Concert Series sponsored by Our Town, Inc and Mountain Sate Street Machines on Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. Reserved spots will be available to crafters, business owners and restaurants. Call for details 304-636-0415. Concerts dates are Aug. 25, Sept. 8 and 22.
PICKIN’ IN THE PARK: Pickin’ in the Park will be Wednesdays at the Elkins City Park. There will be two jam sessions beginning with a country music session at 4 p.m. at the small pavilion. The second session will be an old-time jam and will be at 7 p.m. at the Sycamore Street Pavilion. Pickin’ in the Park is sponsored by the Augusta Heritage Center and Elkins Parks and Recreation. For more information call 304-642-2369.
AL-ANON: Meets at the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Meets every Monday at 6 p.m. at Full Gospel Fellowship in the Glenmore Loop. For more information call 304-642-1244.
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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed ...
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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed ...
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